For more information on AMKA, its activities or events, feel free to email Sameer Manelkar Although many of our members and events are based in Greater Chicago, we have members from Iowa, Michigan and central Indiana. We also encourage Amchis who have moved to this area recently to join our organization -- we can help ease your transition to the Midwest. For students and young professionals, we encourage your participation in the youth forum -- see Events and Youth section for more information. Promote Konkani Heritage in the American Midwest. It is our aspiration to keep alive and flourishing, our beloved language, our unique culture and our ancient traditions in the new environment we now live in. Konkanis have suffered a multitude of adversities over the centuries, and our ancestors have worked hard to adapt to these adversities to keep our traditions alive. They have succeeded, and it is our turn now to continue this success in this modest mid-western offshoot of the konkani community. We have had the good fortune to be successful professionally in this great country. Now it is time for us make effort to preserve our cultural identity in this huge ocean of cultures in the USA. It is our obligation to do our part in upholding our traditions by teaching the younger generations and others about konkani and all things konkan.